Being in medicine inspires Mary W to try to eat healthful foods!

Mary W has become a close friend in the past couple of years and we frequently will grab a snack or a drink together. I've noticed that she's been cooking a bit more (now I realize from this questionnaire it may be the influence of her new boyfriend!), and wanting to try some more adventurous food places, so I was excited to see what she had to say about her relationship with food growing up versus now! Mary was also one of the first and only peers to address how her relationship with medicine affects her relationship with food, and I found that to be quite insightful!

Growing up, who made food at your house? What did they make and what was your favorite thing to eat?
My mom did most of the cooking growing up. She packed our lunches every day and always had fresh fruits and vegetables for us as snacks. Her specialty is homemade tomato sauce and meatballs - definitely my favorite! Her family is Italian, so that inspired much of her cooking, although she was always trying new recipes for dinner. My dad cooked at least two days a week when my mom was at work late - he was the king of leftovers. He would creatively mix things together in ways you wouldn't even think and come up with really awesome meals. 

How has your diet changed since that time? Why?
I feel like I ate pasta every day??? Lol now I eat fewer simple carbohydrates and more complex carbs like rice, sweet potatoes, etc. My parents are not adventurous so I never ate Asian, Mexican, or Indian food growing up and those are now more common staples of my diet. We ate out very rarely and it was always for an occasion like a birthday, I eat out much more now. Although I actually still eat essentially the same exact thing for lunch everyday that my mom had packed me starting in first grade (turkey sandwich, fruit, veggie) 

What made you start cooking? What was it like when you first started cooking?
I started cooking when I moved into an apartment my junior year of undergrad. Because my mom did so much of the cooking and I guess I was always studying or at a meeting/practice in high school I never learned? So it was definitely a struggle at first, I did a lot of frozen or quick microwave stuff because I didn't have the basic skills (or really the time in college) to make meals from scratch. 

Do you have any special philosophies on the groceries you buy or the food you decide to eat?
Being in medicine, I try to buy and eat healthful foods because I've seen first hand the issues patients have with diseases like diabetes and heart disease. Also because I hate change I buy the same thing at the grocery every week like I mentioned above it's the same food for breakfast and lunch every day lol.

Where are your favorite places to go out to eat or order in--every day and special occasion?
I could eat Chipotle every day probably lol. I also love ~forgetting my lunch~ and having to go to Brennen's in the BRT. I also like trying new places for special occasions! I really enjoy getting food/drinks with friends and I think saving money is a priority for most of us so it's a lot of happy hours and deals like that.

What's your favorite food (home cooking or pure trash hehe)--like the food that makes you totally swoon.
I would sell my soul for Brennen's black bean soup. (Idk why nothing else is coming to mind lol I'm not picky I like so many foods)

Do you have any goals for the next couple of years that are cooking/food related?
Over the last few months Andy has inspired me to cook more from scratch because he cooks a lot from scratch and I've really enjoyed it so I hope to continue that and get better. I want to continue making breakfast and packing my lunch every day in residency and do more meal prepping for dinners. Also continue to be adventurous and try new restaurants/foods! Next stop on my list - Momo Ghar in the North Market!

A reflection...

In the first post of this blogging project, I said that food has always been an easy way for me to understand and relate to people around me...