Dani T: Lotsa matzah (and tofu)!

Dani T was one of the first people that I met in medical school because she grew up in a neighboring school district and we had some mutual friends! Since then, we've crossed paths a few times throughout medical school, and I've observed from afar as she takes on inspiring marathon training regimens. She's also in my advanced competency and graciously offered to answer a few of my question....

Growing up, who made food at your house? What did they make and what was your favorite thing to eat?
My mom usually cooked during the week since my dad would get home around 7pm from work. She usually made some kind of meat/chicken with a starch (potatoes /rice) and a vegetable- like average balanced dinner. On the weekends, my dad would usually make everyone big salads for lunch and grill something for dinner- either fish or meat. My favorite thing to eat growing up was probably my grandma's matzah ball soup

How has your diet changed since that time? Why? 
Yes- now I usually meal-prep a lot since I don't have a lot of time to cook for myself every day. I also don't like cooking meat for myself so I eat a lot of tofu and vegetables.

What made you start cooking? What was it like when you first started cooking?
I started cooking my junior year of college because my first and second years, I didn't have a kitchen, but I had a meal plan. Junior year, I had an apartment with a kitchen. For the most part, I just taught myself or I would look up recipes on Pinterest- but I had to figure out how to cook things like chicken so that I could cook it long enough that it was done without overcooking it.
Who do you cook for and why?
Now I cook for myself most of the time. I am in a long-distance relationship, so when my boyfriend and I are together, we cook together. When we cook together, I am more inclined to make something more intricate, but when I cook for myself, I am happy to just sauté some tofu and vegetables and eat it, even if its not the most delicious thing in the world (I still like it though). 

What's the food that makes you totally swoon?
Hmmm haha probably fox in the snow egg sandwich lol. Or ice cream 

Do you have any goals for the next couple of years that are cooking/food related?
Continue meal prepping healthy meals as a resident. But also now that I'll be in the same city as my boyfriend, hopefully continue exploring new recipes we can make together! 

Any food/cooking related special thoughts or memories that you just wanted to share?
Growing up with a Jewish grandmother-- always smelling matzah ball soup and cookies are my favorite food memories :) 

A reflection...

In the first post of this blogging project, I said that food has always been an easy way for me to understand and relate to people around me...